Does this ring a bell ?
A little thesis ( read rant ) about something that many will relate to -
So here you are, sitting quietly, minding your own business, when you begin to feel this little something slowly spreading its tentacles right across the back of your neck. You sit up immediately with a sinking heart. Reads like a horror tale ? You bet it is.
You can't ignore it because it has settled down comfortably in the neck region and is contemplating traveling upwards. You reach out for the tiny vial that you always keep by your bedside and try hard to concentrate on the book or whatever you were looking at. When it feels it's had enough, it moves off as slyly as it came. If you ain't that lucky, be prepared to pop in a pill.
There are other kinds too . There is one that creeps up the side of your neck and glides towards the top of your head . Eeks - that happens mostly when you have snuggled into bed.
And of course , there is the one that hits you , bang on the forehead, causing a persistent throb and a wave of nausea. There are plenty more and I desist from writing about them. They are vindictive , you see - you just have to think of them and they will come catapulting towards you with utmost glee.
Sufferers often form clubs where they mourn and groan together. They have tried out every painkiller in town and are constantly on the search for new ones, when the old ones cease to be effective. Yes, that's a fact - the old ones do ditch these poor suffering souls and they are compelled to go scrounging for new ones.Needless to say, all victims will agree that their cupboards and bags contain more painkillers and balms than money. Mine do.
( Image Shutterstock )
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